Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cross season already?

So it appears that cross starts in August now. It would start sometime in October "back in the day" So the boys are racing GMSR this weekend then transitioning to cross the following weekend. Hopefully appearing this year will be the Corner Cycle team trailer. JB and Jamie should be towing it to the races this season, stop by for a visit and check out the totally bitchin National Champion paint on JB's Stevens. Most all of the boys will be racing Stevens this year.
I'm looking forward to seeing 2 of my guys in National Champion kit until December and hopefully after.

Monday, August 23, 2010

This at that summerwise

So we're winding down the summer months and looking foward to 'cross season. We've had a great year at the shop, busy every day. An interesting thing is retail can be a lot like teaching, you often times remember the worst of the students or customers and forget the friendly ones. This year we've had our share of both, but I'll work hard to remember only the goods ones and forget the bad ones.
We started a new tradition at the shop this year with all of the staff getting together for cookouts. The employees all pretty much get along, it's nice to see more than 13 people of different ages and experiences just having fun together, it makes the day go much smoother when everyone gets along.
A long standing tradition at the shop is I buy lunch every day. This year we exposed our staff to a much greater range of food. Indian food from The Golden Swan has been a favorite of Sam, Zak, and myself so this year everyone gave it a try with varing levels of success. We also did the old take out standbys Burritos, Chinese, Pizza and subs. Probably the number one lunch pick is Bean and Cod on main street Falmouth, they always have the best sandwichs and soups.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here are a few shots of the boys. Tyler dressing as the formal bike mechanic/rental bitch. Toby and Zak just doing what we do.